scanburntransactions - Pastel RPC

scanburntransactions "from_taddress" ( hash|height ) ( burn_taddress )
Scan for the transactions from the given transparent address to the burn address.

1. "from_taddress" (string, required) The transparent address that the transactions are sent from.
                   If '*' is given, will scan for transactions from all addresses.
2. hash|height     (string or numeric, optional) The block hash or height to start scanning from. 
                   If not provided, the scan starts from the genesis block.
3. burn_taddress   (string, optional) The burn address to scan for. If not provided, the default burn address is used.

	 "txid": "hashvalue", 	   (string)  The transaction id
	 "blockhash": "hashvalue", (string)  The hash of the block containing the transaction
	 "blockindex": n,          (numeric) The height of the block containing the transaction
     "timestamp": nnn,         (numeric) The timestamp of the block containing the transaction
     "from_address": "xxx",    (string)  The transparent address that the transaction is sent from
     "confirmations": n,       (numeric) The number of confirmations of the block containing the transaction
	 "amount": nnn,            (numeric) The amount of the transaction in PSL
	 "amountPat": nnn          (numeric) The amount of the transaction in patoshis

> pastel-cli scanburntransactions "PtczsZ91Bt3oDPDQotzUsrx1wjmsFVgf28n" 100000
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "scanburntransactions", "params": ["PtczsZ91Bt3oDPDQotzUsrx1wjmsFVgf28n", 100000] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by Pastel Network; license of the docs is MIT (see pastel repo)

Generated from a mainnet node