getaddressmempool - Pastel RPC

getaddressmempool {"addresses": [taddr, ...]}

Returns all mempool deltas for an address.
WARNING: getaddressmempool is disabled.
To enable it, restart pasteld with the -insightexplorer commandline options,
or add this line to the pastel.conf file:


      address   (string) The base58check encoded address
address   (string) The base58check encoded address
    address     (string) The base58check encoded address
    txid        (string) The related txid
    index       (number) The related input or output index
    patoshis    (number) The difference of patoshis
    timestamp   (number) The time the transaction entered the mempool (seconds)
    prevtxid    (string) The previous txid (if spending)
    prevout     (string) The previous transaction output index (if spending)

Examples:> pastel-cli getaddressmempool '{"addresses": ["tPp3pfmLi57S8qoccfWnn2o4tXyoQ23wVSp"]}'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getaddressmempool", "params": [{"addresses": ["tPp3pfmLi57S8qoccfWnn2o4tXyoQ23wVSp"]}] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by Pastel Network; license of the docs is MIT (see pastel repo)

Generated from a mainnet node