getblockhashes - Pastel RPC

getblockhashes high low ( {"noOrphans": true|false, "logicalTimes": true|false} )

Returns array of hashes of blocks within the timestamp range provided,
greater or equal to low, less than high.

WARNING: getblockhashes is disabled.
To enable it, restart pasteld with the -insightexplorer commandline options,
or add this line to the pastel.conf file:


1. high                            (numeric, required) The newer block timestamp
2. low                             (numeric, required) The older block timestamp
3. options                         (string, optional) A json object
      "noOrphans": true|false      (boolean) will only include blocks on the main chain
      "logicalTimes": true|false   (boolean) will include logical timestamps with hashes

  "xxxx"                   (hex string) The block hash
    "blockhash": "xxxx"    (hex string) The block hash
    "logicalts": n         (numeric) The logical timestamp

> pastel-cli getblockhashes 1558141697 1558141576
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblockhashes", "params": [1558141697, 1558141576] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> pastel-cli getblockhashes 1558141697 1558141576 '{"noOrphans":false, "logicalTimes":true}'

Maintained by Pastel Network; license of the docs is MIT (see pastel repo)

Generated from a mainnet node