pastelid - Pastel RPC

pastelid "command"...
Set of commands to deal with PastelID and related actions
PastelID is the base58-encoded public key of the EdDSA448 key pair. EdDSA448 public key is 57 bytes

1. "command"        (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute

Available commands:
  newkey "passphrase"                                - Generate new PastelID, associated keys (EdDSA448) and LegRoast signing keys.
                                                       Return PastelID and LegRoast signing public key base58-encoded.
                                                       "passphrase" will be used to encrypt the key file.
  importkey "key" <"passphrase">                     - Import private "key" (EdDSA448) as PKCS8 encrypted string in PEM format. Return PastelID base58-encoded
                                                       "passphrase" (optional) to decrypt the key for the purpose of validating and returning PastelID.
  											           NOTE: without "passphrase" key cannot be validated and if key is bad (not EdDSA448) call to "sign" will fail
  list                                               - List all internally stored PastelIDs and associated keys. 
  sign "text" "PastelID" "passphrase" ("algorithm")  - Sign "text" with the internally stored private key associated with the PastelID (algorithm: ed448 or legroast).
  sign-by-key "text" "key" "passphrase"              - Sign "text" with the private "key" (EdDSA448) as PKCS8 encrypted string in PEM format.
  verify "text" "signature" "PastelID" ("algorithm") - Verify "text"'s "signature" with the private key associated with the PastelID (algorithm: ed448 or legroast).

Maintained by Pastel Network; license of the docs is MIT (see pastel repo)

Generated from a mainnet node
