getaddressutxos - Pastel RPC

getaddressutxos {"addresses": ["taddr", ...], ("chainInfo": true|false), ("status": "all"|"unspent"|"spending")}

Returns all unspent outputs for an address.

WARNING: getaddressutxos is disabled.
To enable it, restart pasteld with the -insightexplorer commandline options,
or add this line to the pastel.conf file:


      "address"  (string) The base58check encoded address
  "chainInfo",  (boolean, optional, default=false) Include chain info with results
  "status"  (string, optional, default=all) Spend status of UTXO. Options: "all" - all UTXOs are included, "unspent" - excludes UTXOs in the unconfirmed transactions, "spending" - only UTXOs in the unconfirmed transactions
"address"  (string) The base58check encoded address

    "address"  (string) The address base58check encoded
    "txid"  (string) The output txid
    "height"  (number) The block height
    "outputIndex"  (number) The output index
    "script"  (string) The script hex encoded
    "patoshis"  (number) The number of patoshis of the output
  }, ...

(or, if chainInfo is true):

        "address"     (string)  The address base58check encoded
        "txid"        (string)  The output txid
        "height"      (number)  The block height
        "outputIndex" (number)  The output index
        "script"      (string)  The script hex encoded
        "patoshis"    (number)  The number of patoshis of the output
      }, ...
  "hash"              (string)  The block hash
  "height"            (numeric) The block height

> pastel-cli getaddressutxos '{"addresses": ["tmYXBYJj1K7vhejSec5osXK2QsGa5MTisUQ"], "chainInfo": true}'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getaddressutxos", "params": [{"addresses": ["tmYXBYJj1K7vhejSec5osXK2QsGa5MTisUQ"], "chainInfo": true}] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by Pastel Network; license of the docs is MIT (see pastel repo)

Generated from a mainnet node